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Swiss National Museum

Project Information

Year: 2016

Location: Zürich, Switzerland

Category: Commercial

Type: Furniture

Species: Larch

Project Description

Swiss National Museum

After about fifteen years of planning and construction the slightly stuffy Swiss National Museum in Zürich finally gets the necessary makeover. Plenty of room for new exhibitions, a new spacious entrance area including a museum shop and restaurant facilities as well as a library for research and study, an auditorium and a new study center were created.

For the entrance area of the Swiss National Museum’s extension building 60 linear feet of curved benches could be realized along the winding line of the groups of trees. The solid preliminary work of Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten enabled a sound design and planning of the curved benches. By capturing the terrain with a 3D laser the data for the construction planning could be gathered and the complex sequence of the curves and angular points could be planned perfectly.

Additionally, the surface of the larch wood was refined with Rubio Monocoat Hybrid Wood Protector "Natural". Oil that helps protect the solid wood against excessive exposure to moisture during rain and delays the natural greying of the wood.
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