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Heart of Oak Heresy project finished picture

Heart of Oak TV Show I Heresy & Gardner Projects

Heart of Oak TV Show I Heresy & Gardner Projects

Heart of Oak - Episode 7

Rubio Monocoat in Episode 7 (2:00 - 2:34) and (27:00 - 27:09)

Heart of Oak - Episode 8

Rubio Monocoat in Episode 8 (1:15 - 1:27) and (9:00 – 10:20)

About Heart of Oak

Currently, the show is eight episodes into the thirteen-episode series.  This series follows PJ and his vast team of independent contractors as they take on five unique and challenging projects.  Rubio Monocoat Oil Plus 2C was used during two of these projects. 

PJ from Heart of Oak

Gardner Project

The Gardner project is a 1950’s ranch that they essentially gutted and then built up, on the original foundation, into a beautiful three-story home.  For all the wood flooring throughout the house, they used Rubio Monocoat Oil Plus 2CSmoke 5%”. 

Gardner Project

Living room with natural colored floors

Heresy Project

The Heresy project was Oak Development & Design’s first full gut project.  They completely tore down the original house and replaced it with another three story home.  Again, they utilized Rubio Monocoat Oil Plus 2C for all the wood flooring.  This time they used “White” to maintain the bright feeling on display throughout the house.

Kitchen with natural hardwood flooring

Wet bar with natural hardwood flooring

The Approach

PJ used Rubio Monocoat primarily because of the one coat technology.  With so many projects going on and countless contractors to coordinate, it is invaluable for PJ to be able to knock out the whole staining process in one day.  As PJ himself put it, “There is no two, three coat application.  We save ourselves two or three days in the process.”  He also noted the matte finish of Rubio Monocoat.  This trend has been gaining popularity as of late and as PJ says,

“Right now the trend, and what I prefer is that there is absolutely zero shine…(with Rubio Monocoat) it looks really natural, almost like a furniture finish, which is exactly what we like and it saves us tons of time.”

In a business where time is money, Rubio Monocoat was honored to help this hard working builder save some time without skimping on quality.

Photo Credit: @pjantonik and @heartofoaktv